
The Long Point Area Fish and Game Clubs 2025 memberships are now due and is still just $15, as usual there’s no increase this year so please use the 2023 form (at the link below).  Fill in the form at the link below and return it to the Treasurer with payment.

We are an OFAH affiliated club, as such, each and every member has to be an OFAH member. If you are not already an OFAH member you can become one on the club membership form below. Simply include your OFAH dues in your cheque for your dues (made out to the Long Point Area Fish and Game Club) and the Membership secretary will add you to the OFAH or you can bring the form and all the dues to one of our monthly meetings.

If you are already an OFAH member, simply provide your OFAH membership number to the membership secretary when you hand in your club membership form. 

All new members (sorry, not renewing members) will get a free Long Point Area Fish and Game Club hat with their 1st membership.

Membership form 2025